Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spring Semester is Over!

This has been the hardest semester so far....I had a car wreck mid-semester on the way to take a microbiology test and just didn't get my mojo back until it was almost too late. I ended up making a "C" in my micro class and a "b" in my medical terminology class and had to drop my art appreciation class. I will retake my art class this summer.

I just realized that I was not Super Single Mom, that wreck woke me up. I couldn't work full-time, go to school full-time, study to the wee hours of the night, and have a personal life which involved my children.  At the very beginning of the semester I had to start working full-time because of lack of child support and that is when things started to unravel quickly, I switched to working 4 hours per night to anytime during store hours.

I am just glad the semester is over, I have the one web-based class this summer that I have already done a bunch of work for and hopefully will GET IT DONE this time. What the fall holds for me who knows. But as my mom said, I am basically getting paid to go to school, it is a blessing to get a Pell Grant, and for the sake of my children and my future I will keep pushing on

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